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Terms and Conditions

1.  Parent are to read all the rules and  acknowledge approval.
Parents will ensure the student(s) understand the rules expected during the VBS sessions.
Parents will ensure all craft items and snacks are available when the class start.
Parents are encouraged to be present or have an older sibling available during the VBS session.
The student will be asked questions if they miss answering twice the parent will be notified via text

2.  Children attending VBS must pay attention and stay in the course the entire  session.
Throughout the class the child will be asked to interact/do tasks.
Children are allowed to stop the session to go to the restroom.
Children should get parents to help if they can't do a task.
Children  can't stop and play with your toys, play on your cell phone, play on the computer, watch TV or play with a friend.  However, children can invite a friend to attend the class along with them.
If an emergency happens children must notify their parent(s) immediately or call 911 if needed.

3.  I consent to my child accessing the Jesusnyou website and consent to the use of my child's name, pictures, videos, and/or voice which my child appear that are sponsored by JesusnYou. These material will be used to promote the the JesusnYou website, VBS, and to allow other children to see the projects.  The information may be used to make the course more virtual.

4.  The parent, guardian, responsible adult, or the undersigned agree they will not hold JesusnYou liable for any cost, claims, charges, damages, causes of action, losses, or bring no suit nor liability in connection with their child attending or their likeness in the JesusnYou VBS web based program.

5.  This service or course is free.  Please note, we are happy to be of service to you and we thank you for your interest in Jesus "n" You. If you intend to use the course in Bible Study, Sunday School, or for personal usage please register first.  We encourage you spreading the word about the JesusnYou VBS to others. If you have suggestion for improvement we encourage you input. Send to

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