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If God is God, why are you fearful? Satan is after the Word in your heart so that he can operate in your life. He uses fear to control you. According to Job 3:25(NIV), “What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.” However, when you enable faith, God is in control. He can freely flow in your life and the fear will have to fade. You have to get to the point where you are not scared of anything. Take action to stop satan’s plan of destruction for your life.
Dear God,
I fear
I have confronted my fear(s)? I will voice my concerns in the comment box and then print this document. If you are not brave enough or willing to confront your fear(s) this can be an way to journal your thought(s).
I will voice my concerns about my unforgiveness issues in the comment box below and then print this document. If I'm not brave enough or willing to confront my offender face-to-face I will give them this document of my concerns/issues. (Sometimes a person may not be aware or the hurt they may have caused or vice versa).
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