On the sixth day, God created all the races, He saw everything that He had made, and it was very good. If He felt all races were good then who are we to think negatively about other races? It’s time to change our thinking by changing our behavior towards other races. What is your relationship with people from other races? This test will answer the question.
Mark the response in each blue and white row that most nearly relates to your thinking or behavior pattern. When you click on“See Results”, you will get a letter grade. The letter grade‘E’equals excellent strengths, ‘S’ equals some strengths, but need some improvements, the letter grade ‘P’ equals problem areas that needs improvements, and ‘U’ equals undesirable weaknesses that need immediate attention!
Is racism a behavior in you?
Check each behavior below that relates to you.
If you score ‘P' or ‘U', then you have problem areas. The next step is to work on changing these problem areas. Prayer changes things so pray first. Then take responsibility for your actions by signing the Racism Contract. If you need help have a friend/supporter to sign the Racism Supporters Contract to commit to helping you change. It's time to become accountable for racist behavior! James 2:8,9 (NIV) states, “If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.” Are you ready to change?
Racism Prayer
Directions for the Prayer:
I have just taken the Racism Test and I feel that I’m ready to get started changing my behavior.
Click here to see the Racism Prayer.
Racism Contract
Directions for the Racism Contract:
Make a contract with yourself. This contract is a tool that may motivate you to change by binding you to make changes, in other words, to make a commitment. Are you game enough to try this contract?
Click here to see the contract.
Racism Supporter's Contract
Pick a dedicated person to sign this contract. Sometimes you need a support partner to be there for encouragement. For a true revelation have the supporter be a person from another race. Click here to see the contract.