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OOPS,  you are going in the wrong direction.  Click on the clue you were on to continue the game.

Your first clue item is a famous
orange squash.
And it is currently hidden in a place where you can go wash.

For your second clue it   has needles even though it doesn’t sew.  The next place to go Daddy's on the floor listening to the radio.

The third clue is famous for flying around on a broomstick.
This one has been hidden where we keep our things to clean the floor

The forth clue rhymes with goblet. They can be beaten, but never do they break.  Go find it  in a place where Nana shows her love.

In the song, I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, underneath the mistletoe on what night?

They sprinkle  dust under your  pillow
and leave  something that will make you giggle.
Go look where you brush what you use to chew.

Reject this on day (7*7)+(7*7)/(7+7) and you will reap the benefit.
Now here’s the final clue go look for a sign that aligns with the truth.

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