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Click on the "Get Started" button below to play the Contrary Belief puzzle online.
Answer Key - Find the puzzle answers by clicking on the links.
1 This type holiday is on October 31st. Should we celebrate?
2 Can Christians drink this?
6 Have claws and live on sea floor and we can't eat.
7 Leviticus 19:28 says, "Don't put this on your body."
10 I don't have to follow the old covenant, I fall under ___.
11 Same sex is not okay.
13 Not suppose to visit mediums, read horoscopes, or practice this__.
16 Pastor 's dipping water.
17 Has a split hoof, but does not chew the cud, and you can't eat this.
19 Do not commit this act.
20 A gold piece that can be worn.
22 People do this because it is exciting, but is it biblical?
1 Woman should not wear this type clothing.
3 Jesus is _______.
4 The Bible does not condemn the wearing of this.
5 Thou shall not __.
6 A white one of these is not okay.
8 He is invited into our homes and celebrated on the 25th of December.
9 Before the Feast of Unleavened Bread is which appointed feast_________.
12 Men and woman are equal, but is it okay for a woman to go into this?
14 People in a relationship can hurt each other when they do this action and it is not okay when it gets physical.
15 A word, not in the Bible rhyme with capture.
18 This sea creature you can't eat. It can be found in a breakfast dish eaten with grits in South Carolina and Georgia.
21 Have long ears, chew cud, and you can't eat.
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